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Exhibitors 2024

75 organizations

Advanced Personalized Learning: The Thinker Teacher
Robotic Nerf Guns, Infinity Mirror Icosahedron, Mark Rober Sand Pit
How can you MAKE anything?
Alan The Amazing
STEM: Science Technology Engineering Magic
Why does the public perception of science as "magic" impact society attitudes towards science, innovation, and technology?
Boy Scouts of America Redwood Empire Council
Scout-O-Rama - activities for youth and families offered by BSA packs, troops, and crews
What interests you about hands-on outdoor adventure, conservation, nature, and service activities?
Buck Institute for Research on Aging
The science behind living better longer
What would you do with an extra 20 years of healthy life?
Bureau of Land Management, Ukiah Field Office
STEM with the BLM!
How does Bureau of Land Management use science in stewarding lands held in trust for the public?
California Highway Patrol
CHP booth
How does CHP use science and technology to save lives?
California Section - American Chemical Society
English, Spanish
How can you use chemistry to light up a LED?
California State Parks
Experience the wildlife that exists in our parks and open space areas in California.
Have you ever seen or touched a wild animal?
Charles M. Schulz Museum
Explore the science of animation
How does science make still images appear animated?
Children's Museum of Sonoma County
English, Spanish
Rocket Surgery Lab
How high can you launch your rocket? Ignite the inner engineer inside of you to help improve the future of space flight!
City College of San Francisco Engineering Club
CCSF's Paper Airplane Launchers
Which type of paper airplane flies better when launched by motorized paper airplane launchers?
Civil Air Patrol U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Squadron 23 & 157
Take Flight Races, Experiments with Model rockets, planes and gliders
What are the four forces of flight?
Denali Therapeutics
Unlocking the mysteries of the brain and treating brain diseases.
What does the brain look like and how does it function?
Donald Laird
Diet Cola and Mentos Reaction
What happens when you combine diet cola with Mentos candy?
Dow Development Laboratories
TBD (Possibly bouncing balls again)
How do chemists use science to innovate?
Expanding Your Horizons, Sonoma County
Expanding Your Horizons, Sonoma County
What can I be in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics when I grow up?
Fort Ross' Marine Ecology Program
Exploring Coastal Wildlife
How have marine animals evolved to survive in the ocean?
Girl Scouts of Northern California
Leap Bot Design
Which Leap Bot Design Works Best?
Golden Gate Garrison
Star Wars Cosplay
How much do you like Star Wars?
Seeing Sound (and other invisible waves)
How can we see all the invisible waves around us?
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
English, Spanish
Learning Laguna
How are the wetlands of the Laguna de Santa Rosa important for animals and people?
What do you notice? What do you wonder? What does it remind you of?
Lions Club Santa Rosa and Montgomery Village
English, Spanish
Vision Screening
What helps keep our eyes healthy?
Maker Faire
Make: Simple Circuits
How could I use an LED simple circuit in my creations?
Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District
Fight the Bite
How does understanding the life cycle of the mosquito help us in our efforts to stop them from spreading disease?
Saving Lives with Scientific Minds
How do we save lives using medical technology?
Milo Baker Chapter - California Native Plant Society
English, Spanish
What is a riparian corridor and what happens if it is destroyed?
What are the benefits of restoring the ecology around rivers and streams in Sonoma County?
Mobile Climate Science Labs
English, Spanish
Innovative STEM-Based Climate Action, Led by Students
Where would you like to see money saved, energy waste cut, and the climate protected?
NorCal Bats
See Live California Native Bats
What is a dogfish shark and what does it mean to us?
NorCal Mars Society
Mars Robot Rover
How well can you identify the animal skull and match it to its track?
North Bay Science Discovery Day - Dogfish Dissection
The Dogfish
Why do farmers and gardeners need bats?
North Bay Science Discovery Day - Skulls and Tracks
Animal Skulls and Tracks...Match 'Em
How would an astronaut operate a rover on Mars?
Our Water Our World
OWOW is a clean water program that promotes stormwater health, eco-friendly pest management and beneficial insect awareness.
Which insects are beneficial in our garden?
Parker Electronic Motion and Controls
Electric Motor Fun
How do electric motors work?
Patelco Credit Union
English, Spanish
Calculating Your Savings
Why is saving money important?
Wildlife Camera Who's Who
What wildlife do we share our community with, and how can we be good neighbors to them?
Petaluma Wildlife Museum
Animal Ambassador Spotlights and Conservation Stories
We live on this planet with some amazing creatures: what can we do to protect wildlife and wild places?
Point Blue Conservation Science
English, Spanish
Come learn about the three P’s of marine food webs: poop, puke, and plankton!
What can we learn about the health of our oceans from the prey of seabirds, sea lions, and whales?
Precision Crane
How tall is the crane? How can you use math to figure it out?
Quest Forward High School
Construct basic circuits
How can we electrify our world?
Rebel Legion
How can you support science and join the Rebel Legion?
How can you support science and join the Rebel Legion?
Solid Waste Sorting
What waste goes into each waste stream container?
Robert Ferguson Observatory
Solar Viewing, Comet Creation, and a miniature tour of our building
Have you ever observed the sun? Have you ever seen a sun spot or one of its incredible prominences?
SRCJ Biological Sciences & Biology Club
From Microbes to Mammals
What do real lungs look like in action?
SRJC Chem Club
Using Chemistry to understand color.
Why does color sometimes change in a chemical reaction?
SRJC Math Club
English, Spanish
Fun With Mathematics SRJC Math Club
What is mathematics and how can it be used to have fun?
SRJC Physics Club
Simple electric motors and magnetic trains
How do magnets and currents interact to propel engines and trains?
STEMinism at Sonoma Academy High School
Fantastic Fluids: Oobleck and Floating Art!
Is it a solid, liquid, or both? What's the science behind oobleck?
Solar Schoolhouse (Rahus Institute)
Discover the Magic of Solar Cells
How does shade or clouds affect performance of solar cell electrical circuits?
Sonoma County Ag + Open Space
English, Spanish
iSpy Something Green: Land conservation in a box!
What does land conservation mean to you?
Sonoma County Beekeepers Association
Education on Honeybees and Pollinators
Why are honey bees, and pollinators, important?
Sonoma County Family YMCA
Healthy Food Detective
What plants do healthy foods come from?
Sonoma County Library BiblioBus
English, Spanish
Create and Fly Paper Airplanes at the Sonoma County Library BiblioBus
What design is the most optimal to for a paper airplane to fly through the hoop?
Sonoma County Office Of Education
Light and Dark Exploration!
How can we create, imagine and innovate with light and dark?
Sonoma County Radio Amateurs
Building an LEd Flashlight
How light emitting diodes (LED) work?
Sonoma Resource Conservation District
English, Spanish
Maintaining Our Local Forest Health
How do we grow healthy forests?
Sonoma State University Nursing Student Association
Proper Hand Washing!
What is the best way to wash your hands in order to prevent the spread of germs?
Sonoma State University, Center for Environmental Inquiry & Bio Outreach
English, Spanish
Walk Through the Watershed
How do different habitats in our watershed support so many cool animals and plants?
Sonoma Water
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate exploration with microscopes
What do bugs tell us about healthy water?
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Community Engagement, Stewardship, and Education
What makes the redwood forest, river, and ocean special places to protect? What can we learn from tree rings?
TCRI, Teach Climate & Redefine It
Seed Bomb Making
What is your climate pledge that you want to see blossom into habit?
The Bird Rescue Center
The Natural History and Environmental Importance of Native Birds
Why are birds important and why should we work to conserve their existence and habitats?
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Creating the Built Environment
How do human activities shape our surroundings?
Tour Vietnam era HUEY Helicopter/Blue Angel F-4 Phantom II
What are the main flight controls on HUEY/F-4?
How do the flight controls change the four principles of flight?
UC Berkeley RadWatch & DoseNet
Radiation in our environment
Where do we find nuclear radiation in our environment and how do we measure it?
UC Cooperative Extension Fire Science
Burn Boards
How does fire behave with different fuels or slopes?
UC Davis - Experience Groundwater in California
English, Spanish
Experience Groundwater in California
What is groundwater, and how does it differ from surface water? How climate change affects groundwater?
UC Liberty 4-H Beekeepers
Beekeeping for Young People in 4-H
What does a young person need to be a beekeeper?
UC Sonoma County Master Gardeners
Growing and Dissecting Seeds
How does life begin in a seed? What does it need to grow?
UC The Lawrence Hall of Science
Phenomenal Physics
What will you discover about these forces that shape our physical world?
US Air Force Academy
Aviation and STEM Career Opportunities
What is the future of aviation and space?
How Do Microscopic Organisms Keep Our Water Clean
How do microscopic organisms keep our water clean?
Demonstrations to explain how visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light influence our daily lives.
How can the science of light create products we use every day?
Xerces Society
Pollinators to Products
Do the foods you eat require a pollinator? If so, which one?
Zero Waste Sonoma
English, Spanish
We will provide information on the recycling programs in Sonoma County
What do you know about recycling? Play our plinko game!

Mission: To spark young people’s wonder and curiosity about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); to strengthen the San Francisco North Bay’s STEM learning ecosystem; and to connect the STEM industry, education, and public sectors to deepen and sustain young people’s STEM learning. 

Next Event: ​Saturday, March 7, 2026
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sonoma County Fairgrounds
Santa Rosa, CA
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