We conduct evaluation to explore the outcomes, benefits, and impacts of the North Bay Science Discovery Day for attendees, exhibitors, and our North Bay communities. Please contact Steven Worker, PhD, smworker@ucanr.edu.
What do youth, families, and student volunteers experience and learn?
We want to know about participant experiences and learnings during the Science Discovery Day, in order to demonstrate the value of the event to families, sponsors, and the community.
Attendee intercept surveys asking adults/parents to complete a post-event questionnaire, with structured and open questions around demographics, attitudes, knowledge, and experience/engagement.
Data Collection Tools
Family Attendee Survey (English)
What are the relationships between exhibitors and how can we strengthen them?
Exhibitors (organizations) deepen connections and create new partnerships during the Science Discovery Day. We want to understand how to best facilitate collaboration and providing opportunities for organizations to connect.
Social network analysis to map the relationships – and their direction, strength, and inception date – between organizations who exhibit at NBSDD) . We collect data from exhibitors on a post-event survey asking for information on their organization's existing partnerships.
Data Collection Tool

What are the event's larger impacts in the community?
We wanted to dig deeper into the powerful ‘ripples’ NBSDD creates in the San Francisco North Bay STEM Learning Ecosystem.
Ripple effect mapping; a participatory evaluation method that uses group interviewing, mind mapping, and qualitative data analysis, to collect stories that ripple out from a specific program. We brought a group of 8 people together around the question: What have you seen or heard about NBSDD’s larger impact in the North Bay?
From the Scholarly Literature: Benefits of Science Festivals
For Youth: Helps spark young people's curiosity and excitement for STEM
Science festivals help support young people in becoming more interested in science, learning something new about science, and experiencing science as more fun and enjoyable. Science festivals also support underrepresented communities engagement in STEM. - Goodman Research Group, 2013
"participants become more interested in science, learn something new about science, are motivated to seek
out more science-related activities, and feel more connected to the science happening in their cities."
Science Festival Alliance
For Communities: Strengthens a community's STEM learning ecosystem
Science festivals involved hundreds of exhibitors, representing organizations, schools, non-profits, corporations, and many others to engage youth in hands-on science education. These exhibitors also learn and share with each other during a festival, strengthening their connections in the community.
"The collaborative call-to-arms of a festival recharges existing relationships and energizes entirely new partnerships"
- E. Schuster, 2014
"Collaboration is a key outcome of science festivals. A multitude of benefits from collaboration have been documented: expansion of the ... network, cross-sector interactions that provide people entrée to new communities and experiences, a variety of types of assistance taking place, and relationships to support STEM education that extend beyond the festival calendar. "
- C. A. Bevc, D. Young, & K. Peterman, in Journal of Science Communication
For Scientists: New opportunities to communicate science to the public
Festivals feature many points of entry for scientists and engineers to get involved directly in public outreach. These scientists and engineers improve their own competence and confidence interacting with public audiences. - Goodman Research Group, 2013
What youth say about their experience
How does an experience like the Discovery Day influence children?
What are thoughts about future choices and occupations?
Here are comments from youth who attended a Discovery Day.
My geophysics major in college was inspired by my third grade teacher
I enjoyed teaching the little kids about science
I enjoyed teaching the little kids about science
A 6th grade experience got my into science
I was more competitive with Odyssey of the Mind!
It improved my public speaking skills
"I just thought you might like to hear how helpful everything on your North Bay Science Discovery Day page has been for one of the kids I work with! I'm a tutor and librarian and have been working with a young girl named Alyssa for a few days on a lot of different science subjects. Not that she needs tutoring or anything, she went to a STEM camp over summer and is obsessed with doing something science related as a career. I've been showing her just how many different options are out there and everything you put up on your STEM Links page really helped drive that point home for her! Figured I'd let you know how much she and I appreciate it all. I'll definitely be passing along your page to some of the other students! About the same time we stumbled across your page, Alyssa also found this breakdown of the different types of engineering fields that are out there. She was thinking of pursuing a career in engineering when she grew up so this was incredibly beneficial for her. After all the help she got from you she thought we should pass it along as our way of saying thanks! She figured there's probably some other kids out there who would get some use out of it, too, in case you wanted to add it to your page! If you do, would you mind emailing me back so I can let her know you liked her suggestion?